Friday, August 21, 2009

DIY... who? me???

Crafty? Me? Most of the time I am really not feeling that. But then along comes a little project that I think I can use... so I give it a whirl. Here goes.... I am TOTALLY a blog stalker these days and found this on one of them. It seems as though it was passed along from one blog to another a few times over- or maybe only once or twice? Ha ha... I don't know... Let me give credit to design*sponge...since that is what got saved in my favorites.
So, with the beginning of my project you will probably conclude that, in fact, I am a big fan of Duke's mayonnaise- and you would be correct! Me and Paula Deen...gotta love a recipe with a little mayo in it. However, not to go off on a totally different tangent, I would never use the AMOUNT of mayo Paula uses... but we might rival in frequency. So, that declared... let's move on....
This pic (sorry, not a photoshopper, yet...) shows that we have several snack jars in the cabinet that, while at least uniform in lid color, are a bit boring. And seeing as how I stumbled across an o-so-fun DIY (do it yourself), it seems fitting to take these jars from 'eh' to, well, a little bit better than 'eh'??? At least I think so...

step one: get your jars, wash, rinse, dry
this shows what it looked like after I practiced on a lid...pretty cool, huh?

but, a little out of order here, this is actually what happens before... you glue the lid to the circle you have cut out, I used Mod Podge or whatever that stuff is called. I also realized when I got home, the tutorial I was following showed the MP for paper. I just got the regular kind with a matte finish. I also realized once I got started, scrapbook paper (at least the kind I found at Michael's) was pretty sturdy. This project might go over better with thinner paper- origami? wrapping?

here you can see I cut the slits in the paper once the MP was dry...
they are about 1/2-3/4 of an inch each

here's a finished product...

and here they are, all finished! fun times... glad I did it, cabinet looks lots cuter!?