Tuesday, August 18, 2009

ahhh... it's been a wild one...

Mike has been out of town for the past week. It's been an easy week and I am so grateful for that. It's always a little daunting on the outset to think of being alone with a toddler for the week by myself. But we quickly settle into a routine and get comfy. Some challenges have crept into our routines- not because Mike's been gone- but more like, Giles has turned two... didn't you know? Yup. He's all grown up. He doesn't like a diaper change- although that has just gotten a little more challenging because he's getting physically bigger... we're kind of used to that because one day way back when he was 7 months old, he dropped enjoying getting a clean bootie. Nope. It's a waste of time and a total inconvience. And then he also isn't too fond of brushing teeth because that means it's bedtime. But he's fairly easily bribed distracted, so we manage. And, speaking of bedtime...it now includes TWO loveys... bun-bun and raffy. This worries me only because we now have one more to lose! But hopefully that fate will not be met by either furry friend.
This past weekend we celebrated with Lauren. She turned 17. Lauren is Mike's middle brother, Greg's, oldest. She is absolutely precious and Giles loves her.
And then, here's Giles. His teacher sent home a blank face and some yellow yarn. And left me with the words, "here, feel free to be very creative." huh? oh, and she also said i could maybe use some googlie eyes. Well, didn't have any of those... but I did have some wraphia ribbon! I decided to use that- instead of plain ol' yarn. There. I was creative. Maybe not VERY, but at least somewhat- right?

Speaking of wraphia... it's located in my home office. And I actually did some organizing in there this week. I will work on getting some pictures up - I wish I had remembered to take 'before' pics... it didn't happen. O well. I will show some exciting 'afters' tho.
Love one another... it makes the world a much better place!
Nite, nite!