Thursday, December 10, 2009


it's a nasty feeling. and i have it. i have it because there are so many amazing people out there in blog land that have MUCH going on in their lives and they still manage to blog and blog WELL!!! so, obviously, i haven't blogged much and it makes me SAD!!! so I am working on it and hopefully will be back with an entry soon!!!
i will leave you with a picture i would have loved to have posted in a timely manner in november...

giles 2 1/2... mmm, eat 'em up!!!


Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I LOVE the gobble shirt! Of course since you read my blog, you know I'm a total sucker for those types of shirts. QUESTION: don't you hate it when they only come in white? I would be all over that gobble shirt if I could get it in navy or brown.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Ooh. I forgot to mention, I LOVE the letter girl. I ordered my return address stamper from her this Fall, and I love it! I used it on all of my Christmas card envelopes and Nathaniel's birthday party invitation envelopes. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!