this is our self-portrait at James River in Richmond, VA
here's what folks do on the James River... they hang out on really awesome boulders in the water!!!
i insisted we hike around the peaceful is this? and it's in the center of the city!!!!
here's Giles scooting around Dr Buettner's seat in his office... gotta kill some time somehow...
like i said... gotta kill some time somehow....
well.... i have no idea how this will go. i just know that i am completely fed up with the other website i was using for a "blog". so, i am trying my hand at blogging here on blogger. hmmmm.... i am thinking there will be a leeeaaaarrrrnnnning curve.
like, how do i add pictures? i am about to go learn about that. hope to find it is not a total pain to do... i bet i will have to resize and do junk like that... yuck. i am sounding positive, right? ha!
oooohhhh... arg. see? i wanted that picture of me with giles at the doctor this morning to go UNDER what i had just written. and it shows up above!!!! arg. arg. arg. who has time? we've got swimming to do!!!!!!!!
ok... so REALLY annoyed now. now allll the pics i posted are above the type!