with fall in full swing around here, i am enjoying the cacophony of falling acorns... hitting with a loud "thwack!" on the metal overhang on our deck and any other solid surface.... i think the dogs are used to it by now, but those first few days there were lots of calls for 'duck and cover' between them--- at least that is what i think =)
i have made a few halloween treats this season but for most of the month my camera card was just about one picture away from being full... so lots of fun shots were just left for me to remember, ha! ha! ha! i did discover mozy.com for back ups. seems like a great company. i emailed customer service one time and have had no less than 10 emails in regards to any further questions, rating service, etc... they have come from the helpful customer service representatives Nagarjuna, Nikhil and Shekhar. the humor in that, to me, is that i thought they were based in Utah.... but now, i am not so sure. but one thing i am sure about, they are really, really friendly!!!
so, i made this and it was delish!!! fun, easy and really quick! i used almond bark (the white, vanilla flavored). i made it twice to take to two different events. the first time i just used the bark. the second time i added one tablespoon of crisco as is recommended on the back of the almond bark packaging for thinning it out. the first go 'round i felt it could have been thinner so it could pour more easily. i just didn't have access to bulk melting rounds plus the bark is cheap! i also used generic (walmart great value) oreos and was much impressed with the quality! i found the candy corn on sale and also used great value pretzels... so, not to bad for a pretty impressive dish! the pics over at HBM are better than mine anyway, so go there and enjoy her pics!
hard, hard, hard to believe that christmas is in only a matter of weeks! i have designs on making some things and am realizing how much i need to get on the ball!!! this is my favorite time of year! i have been asked if my tree is up yet. i can say that only once did my tree go up in october and that was for a magazine shoot. now, nov 1 is a whooooooooole 'nother story. only kidding! that time of my life is in the past... i said it wouldn't matter... but i stand corrected. the joy of putting up a full-size christmas tree filled with christopher radko ornaments of every size, shape and celebration for essentially 8 weeks with a toddling two year old is non-existent. last year i "for-went" the full size tree and opted for a tinsel 7 foot lime skinny tree.... it worked but i am not completely sold on it again for this year. but i am for sure not sold on the full-sized one either. ugh. and there is no chance for the desire to buy another one to come along. so, i just hope the search for perfection doesn't leave us tree-less this year. hopefully something will feel "right" soon.... because it's time to start thinking christmas cards!!! =)))) and did i mention? i want a stress-free holiday season... I am getting off to a good start, huh?! only kidding... i am really not stressed, i actually like thinking about all of this stuff!
hope that each of you are enjoying this wonderful October weather... it is definitely refreshing. no more stifiling heat, windows are open and so far we've had some great soups and fall weather fare... LOVE this time of year!